As implemented for the past few seasons since we've centrally coordinated contest entry using the MWPBA website forms, the closing date for entry to solo and band contests in the regular season is the Sunday midnight 3 weeks before the Games. For the past couple of seasons, there has also been a 48-hour "grace period" of late entry extended until the following Tuesday. Despite repeated advertising of entry deadlines, there is almost always somebody asking for even later entry, which usually causes additional work for the volunteers running the events.

As agreed at the November 2017 AGM, for season 2018 the entry deadlines will be unchanged, but one more week will be permitted for late entry (i.e. the Sunday evening 2 weeks before the event). A nominal late fee will be charged to encourage future on-time entry. The late-fee will be $30 per band (regardless of how many events are entered by that band at the contest), and $10 per soloist (regardless of how many events are entered by that soloist for that day of competition). The late fees will be automatically determined and added by the entry forms, and are due on entry form submission.

The forms will disallow entry after the late-entry period has expired, and requests for very late entry will be denied.

Thanks for your understanding and cooperation to help us streamline the process, and here's to a great season!

Upcoming Events

Saturday, 31 Aug 2024
Wisconsin Highland Games
Saturday, 14 Sep 2024
Oklahoma Scotfest