The Midwest Pipe Band Association

Standard Sanctioning

An agreement between the Games Sponsor and the MWPBA that ensures all competitors a competent judging panel and a solid set of Rules and Regulations governing the contests.  This level of sanctioning requires a minimal commitment from the sponsors.  No Champion Supreme points are offered and therefore fewer bands may participate.

  1. At least 3 of the band grades that make up the Association must be offered.
  2. All participating bands and soloists must be members of the MWPBA or an affiliate association/society of the Alliance of North American Pipe Band Associations.
  3. The entry form must be submitted to the President of the MWPBA at least 8 weeks in advance.  Regardless of the date, written or emailed approval from the President or Executive Committee must be obtained before printing and distributing the entry form.
  4. The entry form must include the following text:
    • Competitions will be conducted under the Rules of the Midwest Pipe Band Association (MWPBA).
    • MWPBA officials shall have the power to rule on all complaints and protests relating to the competitions of the day.  All protests should be made in writing and lodged with the MWPBA officials within 7 days along with a $10.00 fee that will be refunded if the complaint is upheld.
    • The MWPBA disclaims any and all liability for injury to person or property related to the events it sanctions.  The event sponsor, by accepting sanctioning, agrees to defend, indemnify and hold the MWPBA, its officers and agents harmless from all such liability.  This disclaimer shall remain in effect despite the withdrawal of sanctioning by the MWPBA for any reason.
  5. No more than 25 entrants will be permitted in a solo event.  If over 25 entries have been received, the event must be split into roughly equal heats with different judges.  Champion Supreme points, if available, will be awarded for both/all heats.  Do not schedule play-offs.
  6. The contest field must be set up according to MWPBA Rules with a Final Tuning Area, inner and outer Competition Circles, and the starting line clearly marked.
  7. All fees and travel monies for bands and officials are to be paid by check or cash at the Closing Ceremonies or the Piping Tent immediately after.
  8. All bands entering your contests shall be entitled to receive a Travel Allowance.  The number of bands to receive the Travel Allowance may not be limited.
  9. Judges must be acceptable to the MWPBA as set forth in the Association's Rules.  Any restrictions put on a Judge by his home association shall be honored.  Judges will be paid at least the minimum fees found in the MWPBA Rules.
  10. The judges you plan to contract for your Games, their home associations and any restrictions must be submitted to the MWPBA President for approval at least one month in advance of your Games.
  11. Judges and the MWPBA Representative shall be entitled to expenses paid by the event sponsor and include stipend/honorarium, mileage compensation or full airfare, transport to/from airport/hotel/games, a private room, gate pass, meals or a per diem according to the rate allowed by the IRS.  Any other related expenses not paid in advance must be reimbursed. See Rules, section V.A.
  12. Event officials must give each band an overall Summary Sheet which details the raw scoring or placing awarded by each judge to each band in the event of that band's grade as well as the compiled totals.  The filled-out Summary Sheets shall remain secret and are not to be posted or presented to any bands until after the Massed Bands awards have taken place.
  13. Event sponsors are to follow these and all other MWPBA Rules and Regulations governing solo and band contests.
  14. Basic sanctioning is subject to acceptance by the Executive Committee of the MWPBA.



Champion Supreme Status

This level of sanctioning requires a greater commitment on the part of the sponsor to the bands and soloists with a greater involvement of the MWPBA.  In most cases, the Champion Supreme status brings a higher band attendance.

  1. The band contests must include Grades 5 thru 1, 5 thru 2 or 4 thru 1 as well as offering all solo contest levels for which the MWPBA currently has solo members.  This means offering all of the solo events from Practice Chanter to Open Piping, Grades 4 thru 1 Piobaireachd, Novice and Advanced Solo Tenor Drumming, Novice thru Open Solo Snare Drumming, and a Drum Major contest.
  2. The event (your Games) must have been sanctioned by the MWPBA at least once.
  3. Required minimum monetary prizes for bands.  (see the current Rules)
  4. Only the contests in our Rules will receive Champion Supreme points.
  5. Champion Supreme Sanctioning is subject to acceptance by the Executive Committee of the MWPBA.



Chicago Games 2012 Chi Academy Drums
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