We have decided to name the online solo contest The MWPBA Brian Conry Memorial Online Solo Contest.  Brian was a young drummer who played in the Chicago Stock Yard Kilty Band for several years; he recently passed away all too soon.  There will be a fund-raiser for Brian's family after the current COVID-19 situation allows it to happen.  The contest is a good way to keep Brian's memory alive.  
The entry is now open on the contest tab of the MWPBA Web Site.  Remember that you must be a member of the MWPBA to enter and there is no entry fee.  The MWPBA Individual Registration is still open and active. You will just need to upload your video with your entry; complete guidelines on how to record and submit your video are on the contest page, and here.  Please note that the musical requirements for the contest are slightly different than our typical outdoor contests due to the online nature of the event; the 1st page of the entry covers the changes.  We have some really good judges for the event and they will be announced after the entry is completed.  Click here to view the contest entries thus far.  The deadline for submission is June 27, 2020, and the winners will be announced approximately July 4, 2020.
Good luck to all and let the on line contest begin......

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