It is with a heavy heart that I am announcing the cancellation of the 2020 Chicago Highland Games.  As many of you know the main charity of the Games is the Illinois St. Andrew Society which runs the Scottish Home and Caledonia Senior Living.  They are going 24/7 now with the Virus to keep their residents and staff safe.  They will be focused on this for the foreseeable future.  Entry refunds will be made for anyone who entered.  They may not be made right away so please be patient.  Watch your communication sources for more news going forward.  Please contact me directly with any questions or issues at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Thank you and stay safe.

Jim Sim

President, MWPBA


The entry for the 2020 Chicago Scots Scottish Festival and Highland Games is open at:

and lodging has been negotiated with the Westin Hotel & Resorts for the event.  Reservations can be made here.  Room rates are from $89.00 USD to $118 USD plus the extra charges.  The Chicago Highland Games are June 19-20; all of the soloists (except Group Tenor & Drum Major) compete on Friday the 19th.  Band competitions are on Saturday, June 20th.  Grade 2 and Grade 3 bands will play their March/Strathspey/Reel in a circle formation, and then play their Medley in a concert formation later in the day.  Grade 4 bands will also play their Medley selection.  Grade 5 bands play their Quick March Medley.  Group Tenor & Drum Major solos take place after the band competitions with the duty band.

Upcoming Events

Saturday, 31 Aug 2024
Wisconsin Highland Games
Saturday, 14 Sep 2024
Oklahoma Scotfest